Gunnery guide: M60A3 TTS
·The M60A3 TTS is a main battle tank (MBT) used by the U.S. Army in the 1980s. Its main armament is the M68E1, a 105 mm cannon based on the venerable British L7 design and capable of defeating a wide array of armored and unarmored targets. Serving as a stopgap between the aging M60A1 and the Abrams series of tanks, the M60A3 TTS saw service in Germany, bolstering the American forces stationed there in the late stages of the Cold War. Its full designation in the American system is "TANK, COMBAT, FULL TRACKED, 105MM GUN & TANK THERMAL SIGHT M60A3".
Like all vehicles in GHPC, the M60A3 TTS has its own unique characteristics that affect its gunnery, and a skilled player will need to learn these traits. This guide will help you learn how the M60A3 TTS works and how best to utilize it.
In GHPC, the M60A3 TTS is highly capable in the anti-tank role thanks to its depleted uranium "sabot" ammunition and heat-sensitive thermal sight. It also packs a punch with "HEAT" rounds against unarmored and lightly armored targets. Its primary sight has a fixed zoom level of 8x, making it reasonably effective at long-range engagements.
Gunner's sight
The M60A3 TTS gunner relies primarily on its thermal optics: the main channel of the AN/VSG-2 Tank Thermal Sight (TTS), the tank's namesake. The thermal channel has two zoom levels to serve target acquisition and engagement needs. The sight also includes a daylight channel for target identification and backup.

In the thermal sight, warm objects show up in brighter colors, making them stand out against the background. This is especially useful for detecting enemy vehicles at long distance or in the dark. It is highly recommended to use the thermal channel of the AN/VSG-2 as your primary means of searching for targets, even in daylight. The daylight channel can then be used for target identification and gunnery.
An unfortunate quirk of the M60A3 TTS is its retrofitted mechanical optic stabilization system. When the tank is on the move, the components of this system suffer from visible vibration, disrupting the sight picture and making it difficult to acquire targets. The M60A3 TTS is best utilized firing from the short halt rather than on the move.
Laser rangefinder
Though the APFSDS ("sabot") rounds used by the M60A3 TTS fly relatively flat out to battlesight ranges of 1 km or more, precise gunnery will require the use of the laser rangefinder. To use this, line up the dot in the center of the reticle on the target and press the lase key (default: E). The superelevation of the main gun will automatically be adjusted so that the currently loaded ammunition will land at the vertical level you are aiming at. For engaging stationary targets while at rest, this is the only step required for good hits. The M60A3 TTS does not display range information in the gunner's sight, but for ease of use, the range currently registered in the fire control system (FCS) is displayed in the weapon HUD on screen. (Note: in reality, operating the laser rangefinder in the M60A3 TTS was a rather more complicated process involving both the gunner and the commander. It is simplified in GHPC for player convenience.)
Inducing lead to engage moving targets
Some situations will require engaging moving targets at long range. In these instances, simply aiming at the center of the target won't work - by the time the round reaches the correct distance, the target will have moved away from the impact point. Therefore, the M60A3 TTS comes with a system to offset the aim point for "lead" (pronounced "leed") and hit moving targets.
The lead system works by averaging the angular rate of traverse (horizontal aim movement) and elevation (vertical aim movement) from the previous 1.5 seconds. In GHPC, this is automatically applied when you use the laser rangefinder. The FCS calculates how far a target at the currently registered range would travel if the gun is following it at the averaged angular rate, and it shifts gun's aim point to be "ahead" of the target by the correct amount. It also counter-shifts the reticle by the same amount, preserving the gunner's visual aim on the target. Thus, if you hold a steady track directly on a target for 1.5 seconds and then lase it, you will have the correct firing solution, and firing immediately should result in a hit. (Note: the technique of firing immediately after lasing to reduce error is sometimes called "lase and blaze".) The reticle will remain in its new position until the system receives new instructions to move it again.
Unfortunately, this lead system has a significant flaw: if you move the turret immediately before lasing a stationary target, the FCS will interpret this as if you were tracking a moving target. It will then induce lead and shift the reticle and aim point, resulting in a miss if you fire without correcting it. There are two ways to correct this issue. The slow option is to place the reticle on target and wait at least 1.5 seconds before lasing a stationary target. The faster, preferred method is to "dump lead" by quickly releasing the aiming controls. You can also dump lead with a dedicated command, accessed via the quick menu (default: Q) or the key shortcut (Ctrl + lase, default: Ctrl + E), but in most situations the aim controls method is easier. (Note: if you have inverted your palm switch in the game settings, you will need to tap the aim button to dump lead.)

Above: The aim shift is caused by a rapid rightward traverse onto a stationary target before lasing. A shot fired in this scenario will aim at the center of the scope, missing the target entirely, with potentially fatal consequences.
Below: Dumping lead removes the offset and gets things lined up right.
A note about firing on the move
While the M60A3 TTS fire control system is based on awkwardly retrofitted mechanical linkages (as opposed to the well-integrated system of the M1 Abrams), it is actually capable of compensating for the tank's own momentum in ideal circumstances. As the reticle does not update its position live, the gunner must make absolutely certain that the tracking on target is steady for a full 1.5 seconds before performing a lase, regardless of what movement is involved. If the velocities of the M60A3 and its target are unchanging, the palm switches are held, and the gunner achieves a proper track and lases, the shot should hit. Still, this type of leading shot from a moving tank can be challenging, especially on uneven ground. It's usually advisable to fire from a stationary position.
Backup Sight (M105D)
In case the gunner's main sight is damaged or the gunner needs to check terrain clearance on the main gun, the M60A3 (like the M60A1) is equipped with a backup sight, featuring fixed 8x zoom and ballistic drop markings. The sight can display either of two different reticle patterns, depending on which ammunition type the gunner indexes. (In GHPC, this process happens automatically based on the loaded ammunition.)
Above: The two possible reticle patterns for the M105D. Though the APFSDS ammunition carried in 1985 does not match the APDS label on the reticle, the ballistic drop is similar enough for the reticle to still be useful.
The sight includes a circle-dot marking at battlesight range (1200 meters). For any tank-sized target within 1200 meters, aiming low on the target with this mark should guarantee a hit.
Just like other etched optics in GHPC, the M105D can have its reticle illumination switched on and off (default key: i ).
Commander's cupola machine gun
The M60A3 TTS is equipped with a fully enclosed cupola mounting an independently aimed M85 .50 caliber machine gun. In GHPC, this weapon can be selected by cycling to it in the weapons list (default: F key). The M85 is devastating against thin skinned vehicles at close and medium range, and its enclosed firing position allows the commander to operate it safely. Selecting this weapon will switch the view to its gunnery optic.
The M60A3 TTS in GHPC comes standard with two highly capable main gun ammunition types: Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS or "sabot") and High Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilized (HEAT-FS or "HEAT"). The "sabot" round is best used against heavy armor, such as other tanks, as it flies fast with a flat trajectory and is capable of defeating all but the most advanced armor in the time period. For lightly armored targets and general purpose destruction, it's best to switch to HEAT, which offers decent blast damage and a shaped charge warhead that's capable of defeating even non-composite tank armor.
Above:Various types of 105 mm tank ammunition in GHPC, including the M774 (bottom), M833 (left), M900 (top), and M456 (right). Note the breakaway sabot petals and the armor piecing dart projectiles. The three "sabot" rounds pictured have cores made of extremely dense depleted uranium alloy for superior armor penetration.
The M60A3 TTS, though showing its age in the 1980s, had the benefit of an adequate FCS and state-of-the-art optics. With careful defensive maneuvering and a proper understanding of the gunnery systems in the M60A3 TTS, you will be able to use it effectively in whatever situation is thrown at you. Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy playing Gunner, HEAT, PC!