
GHPC Early Access Roadmap

The following image shows our projected major goals for the development period until the 1.0 release of GHPC, including the period in between Steam Early Access release and full release.  Roadmap items are roughly chronological and may be revisited as needed during actual development.  Items are, of course, subject to ch...
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Dev Log #3: No Fooling

The first of April is a wild time in gaming and tech.  No announcement can be trusted, as companies get in on the spirit of April Fools' Day by posting tongue-in-cheek tomfoolery of all flavors.  Some posts - especially in gaming - even come with an actual event, where the community can get in on the joke.  The GHPC team...
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Dev Log #2: Why we fight

With the GHPC Discord server hopping and the small but dedicated dev team hard at work on the Patreon-only vertical slice build, it seems like a good time to explain what the project is about.  Gunner, HEAT, PC! was started by tank nerds, driven by our experiences playing tank games. We remember the well crafted sim-...
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Dev log #1: The push for Fulda

Greetings!If you've been following the progress of the GHPC project, you've noticed that there's been a lack of updates to the live demo for a few months.  There's good reason for this, and we're excited to share what the team is working on.  The current demo has been great for bringing together an early tester community...
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